DIARRHEA: What it Means and How to Stop It

GutChek for Food Sensitivities and Diarrhea
Digestive health is essential for optimal vitality. If you experience loose stools or chronic diarrhea, this may indicate that you have food sensitivities. Symptoms of pain, cramping and GI discomfort may be prevalent with diarrhea. Three or more loose stools per day are considered to be diarrhea and may warrant a visit to the doctor. Most people have had severe diarrhea sometime in their life. Many people experience loose stools frequently. It happens when you pass excessive liquid stool during bowel movements and is usually a symptom of other health concerns.
Food sensitivities are a common cause of chronic loose stools. Bloating and gas are additional symptoms that may be present because the digestive system is reacting to various foods. Food sensitivities are different from food allergies. Think of them as a warning sign vs a full-blown reaction. The immune system is responding to certain foods, but there is not an anaphylactic response. Food sensitivities left unattended can lead to increased inflammation and more significant issues, which is why they are important to isolate and address.
If you experience intermittent loose stools, monitor your diet for these common food-related causes:
Lactose intolerance:
The body’s inability to digest sugars contained in dairy products can cause loose stools, gas and bloating. If you have low levels of lactase, the enzyme that catalyzes digestion of milk, consuming foods rich in milk components may cause loose stools.
Fructose intolerance:
Honey and natural fruits contain a type of sugar known as fructose. When people with fructose intolerance consume products with this kind of sugar, regardless of the fact it’s natural, this can lead to bowel irritation, and consequently diarrhea.
Gluten intolerance:
Gluten is a protein found in wheat and other grains. Sensitivities or intolerance of this protein is common. Some people are sensitive to grains because the high fibre content irritates the bowls.
Reaction to artificial sweeteners:
Artificial sweeteners, such as sorbitol, and aspartame can also be problematic and lead to digestive disturbances. These sweeteners are prevalent in processed diet foods.
Fatty and fried foods:
Fatty and deep-fried foods can be difficult to digest for even the healthiest people. Bloating and diarrhea could follow as a result.
What you can do to help loose bowels and diarrhea:
Proper Hydration:
Since you pass excessive liquid in your stools, drinking extra fluids is essential. Water, soups and juices are beneficial to easing symptoms.
Dietary Changes:
When recovering from diarrhea and related symptoms like bloating, gradually introduce low fibre foods into your diet after taking liquids. If it’s genuinely diarrhea, the recommended standard is the BRAT diet. Bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. These foods are less likely to cause bowel discomfort. If loose stools and suspected food sensitivities are the culprits, removing these triggers from your diet is crucial.
Dietary Observation:
Keep a food journal and track everything you eat and drink. Sensitivities may present themselves up to 72 hours after consumption, so note the time of each meal too. After a week or two, look at the big picture and observe any trends.
GutChek: A Food Sensitivity Test:
Our Programs integrates a food sensitivity test for every client. We send a hair sample to the lab and three weeks later, a comprehensive list of food and environmental sensitivities are determined. The results even reveal metal toxicities. A science-based approach to preparing for the next step.
Follow an Elimination Diet:
Abstain from all potential food sensitivities for 6-8 weeks. The body will have time to rest from exposure and likely begin repairing itself. After 6-8 weeks, you introduce eliminated food one-by-one to find which ones the body is reacting to. Your body will naturally tell you which foods you need to drop entirely.
Many people struggle with this because eating is habitual. A certified holistic nutrition consultant can be the most helpful tool here. They can view dietary habits objectively and can help devise suitable replacements; an elimination diet does not mean you should feel deprived when your favourite ‘go-to’ food is on the chopping block.
Experiencing loose stools, diarrhea, or any other related symptoms such as bloating is no reason to panic. In most cases, these issues can be managed. More often than not, it is just our body’s way of trying to communicate; we just need a dietary and lifestyle change.
If you suffer from loose stool and are interested in discovering the right food choices to support your healthy lifestyle, our friendly staff can help guide you in the right direction. Call us today for a no-obligation chat about your needs.